What's happening in the next few weeks?
Upcoming events

Sunday Service
Come, part take in the Lord's day with us through a time of singing, worship & listening to the Word.
Our Telugu service starts at 8 AM followed by English service which starts at 10:30 AM

Cell Group Bible Study
We as a church, love to fellowship over an engaging and interactive hour of Bible Study. We have various cell groups spread across the city and you can join any one of them based on your location.

Sunday School​
We believe in sharing the unadulterated truth with our children, inspired solely by the Lord's Word. Children gather for a lively time of singing, story telling & crafts every Sunday.

Mid week Prayer​
We gather for an hour of prayer every Wednesday to pray for each other, the needs of the church, our country and the larger world.

Family Enrichment Seminar
We gather once a month to learn what the Lord expects from a Christian home and how He expects us to parent the children given to us as gifts from above.
Topic for April: Gifts of the Holy Spirit